

Where Personal is made Powerful

Black and white image of mountain

Stay in the know

There is no beginning or end, only updates and reminders to buy your tickets when available.

Who are we?

We are artists, creators, makers, and doers. We believe in the process of art as expression, and therefore believe that through witnessing one’s personal expression, we are able to learn more about ourselves, our world, and our existence. We strive to achieve a state of Metanoia- the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life.

black and white image of space

rocks boulders in desert landscape
desert landscape

What’s up Next?

This live, hour long comedy special showcases the peaks and valleys of being a creative. Interacting with lights and sound cues, Max brings his introspection to life, welcoming the audience into his quick, witty, and critical mind palace.